Chung Tai Chan Monastery Free Guided Tour Reservation System


1. 申請時間:請最晚於參觀日前二天中午12:00前在本系統操作申請。 [預約額滿為止]

2. 巡禮樓層:視來訪當日本寺法務運作情形安排。

3. 導覽時間:約1小時

4. 行程異動:如需取消預約或各種異動,請最晚於參觀日前一天中午12:00前來電完成異動。

5. 來訪當日若時間異動,請最晚於原定到訪時間前1小時,電洽(049)2930-215告知。

6. 若您不方便以台灣的手機或電話聯絡,請在備註欄留下您的E-mail。

7. 請下載訪客名單範例,填妥後上傳;護照或身份證號可以不用提供。

Online Reservation Guidelines:

1. Application Time: Please submit your tour application through this system no later than 12:00 PM two days before your scheduled visit date.

   (A limited number of reservations will be accepted each day.)

2. Tour Area: The areas open to tours will depend on the monastery’s event schedule on the day of your visit.

3. Tour Duration: Approximately one hour.

4. Itinerary Changes: If you need to cancel or make any changes to your reservation, please contact us no later than 12:00 PM the day before your scheduled visit.

5. If there are any changes to your schedule on the day of your visit, please contact us by phone at (049) 2930-215 no later than one hour before your scheduled arrival time.

6. If it is not convenient for you to contact us via a mobil phone in Taiwan, please provide your email in the remarks column.

7. Please download the sample visitor list, complete it, and upload it. Passport or ID number is not required.

  (See below for example.)