1. 申請時間:請最晚於參觀日前二天中午12:00前在本系統操作申請。
2. 巡禮樓層:視來訪當日本寺法務運作情形安排。
3. 導覽時間:約1小時
4. 行程異動:如需取消預約或各種異動,請最晚於參觀日前一天中午12:00前來電完成異動。
5. 來訪當日若時間異動,請最晚於原定到訪時間前1小時,電洽(049)2930-215告知。
6. 若您不方便以台灣的手機或電話聯絡,請在備註欄留下您的E-mail。
7. 請下載訪客名單範例,填妥後上傳;護照或身份證號可以不用提供。
Online Reservation Guidelines:
1. Application Time: Please submit your tour application through this system no later than 12:00 PM two days before your scheduled visit date.
2. Tour Area: The areas open to tours will depend on the monastery’s event schedule on the day of your visit.
3. Tour Duration: Approximately one hour.
4. Itinerary Changes: If you need to cancel or make any changes to your reservation, please contact us no later than 12:00 PM the day before your scheduled visit.
5. If there are any changes to your schedule on the day of your visit, please contact us by phone at (049) 2930-215 no later than one hour before your scheduled arrival time.
6. If it is not convenient for you to contact us via a mobil phone in Taiwan, please provide your E-mail in the remarks column.
7. Please download the sample visitor list, complete it, and upload it. Passport or ID number is not required.
(See below for example.)